Born 8th September 1887Om Sri Sadhguru Bhagavan Sivanandaya NamaGreetings to all online Listeners and devotees of Swami Sivananda globally.South Africa seen many Schools, and infrastructure projects being built through His Holiness Sri Swami Sahajananda who  was a disciple of Holy Master, Sri Swami Sivananda. Swami Sahajananda followed his Masters word to Serve the Africans and see God in them. This all happened during apartheid days. 

Such was the greatness of Holy Master, Sri Swami Sivananda. It gives me great pleasure on this special occasion as we offer our gratitude and pay homage to Holy Master, Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj on this 136th Birth Anniversary . Today we offer a musical Tribute to a great Saint of Mother India and the world at large.  ‘Serve, love, give, purify, meditate, realise.’  

A revered saint of modern times Swami Sivananda is the inspiration behind the Sivananda World Peace Foundation .Swami Sivananda (1887-1963) was an allopathic doctor, healer, and spiritual Saint.  His focus on yoga as a tool for health and well-being characterized his teaching and his legacy leaves behind a globally recognized and practiced style of yoga.

“Swami Sivananda’s life was a radiant example of service to humanity, both during his years as a doctor and later as a world­-renowned sage and jivanmukta. To serve all, to love all, to mix with all and to see God in all beings were the ideals he taught and lived by.” 

.His mission was to serve humanity through yoga and Vedanta. In 1936 Swami Sivananda founded the Divine Life Society. He developed the Yoga of Synthesis, an amalgamation of the Four Paths of Yoga that he summarised as: ‘Serve, love, give, purify, meditate, realise.

’He is the author of more than 300 books on all aspects of yoga providing spiritual guidance to millions around the world. His teachings quickly spread internationally, leaving a legacy of love, peace and knowledge still unfolding today.

Swami Sivananda will always be a Saint that touched the hearts of millions across the Globe. On this special occasion being the 136th Birth Anniversary we owe a deep debt of gratitude Pay Tribute to A Saint that cared for his people.We also thank Sri Veeramani Kanann and musicians for their dedication in serving our divine master. May the Divine Grace of Holy Master Sri Swami Sivananda Bless you all abundantly with longlife, Peace, Prosperity and Goodhealth.

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